10% Discount for (veteran/current) Military and First-Responder’s!
All NEW TOT, Weight-Loss, and GH Therapy membership includes Provider Care for all minor/non-urgent medical needs at no additional cost.
Testosterone is the hormone that boosts all bodybuilders towards greatness. It is thought of as the key hormone that separates men from woman (woman make testosterone at 1/10 the amount). Testosterone gives males their characteristics such as confidence, aggressiveness, sex drive, increased muscle mass, facial hair, and a deep voice.
Higher than average levels of testosterone can significantly help men gain muscle and lose fat. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the body that makes you who you are…MEN!
Many men suffer from low testosterone. This is a medical condition affecting all men and occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone. While it isn’t a popular topic of discussion, we know it is a serious one.
As men age, their testosterone levels decrease, causing signs and symptoms of low testosterone.
These can be prevented with Optimizing your testosterone levels.
Contact Alpha 1 Performance to get you started on the right path to “Getting Your Life Back!”
Testosterone is a controlled substance that must be carefully monitored, it is required to have an in person or video consult with our provider before testosterone can be prescribed.
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Cras vestibulum arcu sit amet erat accumsan vehicula. Curabitur aliquam sapien in posuere volutpat. Sed vinar elit sapien, non accumsan enim malesuada eu.
Cras vestibulum arcu sit amet erat accumsan vehicula. Curabitur aliquam sapien in posuere volutpat. Sed vinar elit sapien, non accumsan enim malesuada eu.